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For Attorneys

See below for helpful information.

Referral Process

When making a referral, please provide as much information as possible regarding your client's case. It is helpful if we could be provided for whatever discovery is available such as the complaint, affidavit, police reports, previous mental health history, etc. 


The evaluation process includes a record review, psychological and/or actuarial testing, and a clinical interview. The length of the evaluation varies, but clients can typically plan on spending 2-3 hours in-office for the evaluation. Testing can often be completed outside of the office via emailed links to testing instruments. 

Clinical Report

At the conclusion of the evaluation, a clinical report is written and sent to the referral source, typically the attorney who requested the evaluation. If it is a forensic evaluation, the report is sent only to the referral source. The report will include a summary of testing instruments, clinical interview findings, conclusions, and recommendations for further intervention/services. Reports are generally submitted within two weeks of the evaluation. 

Expert Testimony

We provide expert witness testimony upon request. We have experience testifying at sentencing hearings as well as other civil and criminal trials and hearings. 

Important Documents

Seth Wescott CV

Kim Kosmala CV

Release of Information